Creating a custom Jamstik MIDI Map settings profile in GGD
Once you have the Jamstik connected to GGD you are probably noticing that certain MIDI notes on the fretboard do not trigger samples and that you can not reach the kick or snare which is an octave lower than the default MIDI range of the Jamstik. This is because some 3rd party instruments are generally setup for MIDI input from a MIDI keyboard and may not be optimized for guitar by default but don't worry, you can either transpose an octave down in the MIDI settings menu in Jamstik Creator settings menu to access the out of range notes if you are in a hurry, or you can create a custom MIDI map profile in GGD that has all of the samples right where you want them and save the custom profile to use with the Jamstik Studio.
In the settings tab in GGD you'll see tabs for all of the different sections of the drumkit, here you can map each part of the kit to the desired MIDI note. You can enter in the note manually via the MIDI note # or select the record icon next to the desired cymbal, tom, kick etc.. and then play the note you want it to trigger on using the Jamstik.
Once you've gone through and mapped the kick, snare, cymbals, and toms to the desired location on the fretboard you can then select save to save it as a custom preset that you can load in GGD to be used with the Jamstik.
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