How to Connect your Jamstik to Mac via Bluetooth/USB




  • Takeshi Abekawa

    I have connected to mac bluetooth. Only 5th string does not sound. Other strings are all OK. I set up wrong way? Jamstik with iPhone 5S does work perfectly.

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  • MC

    Hi Takeshi, Are you using GarageBand? GarageBand on the Mac requires that you switch to single-channel MIDI mode. You can do this by pressing, "Enter and Right" on the D-Pad to toggle between single and omni-channel modes. This should clear up the non-sounding string.

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  • Takeshi Abekawa

    Thank you for reply. Yes I am using GarageBand. I set it up to single-channel MIDI mode. Non-sounding 5th string is fixed but 4th and 5th string has same sound. The Jamstik does not work at all when lesson mode (GarageBand), Is'nt it compatible?

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  • MC

    Hey again,

    Takeshi, were you able to update your device's firmware via the iOS app? If not, you should follow the instructions: - to reset your device back to default pick settings. I think this could be the issue with the 4th and 5th having cross-talk problems, causing the same note to ring out. If this does not help, please submit a ticket and our support team will be in touch with you soon. Unfortunately, the GarageBand Lessons are not compatible with MIDI devices, but we will soon have jamstik+ and jamTutor apps available for MAC, hopefully within this week!



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  • Takeshi Abekawa

    Matt, Thank you very much for your instructions. Everything worked perfectly.

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