First, make sure your Jamstik Studio is set to MPE Mode. You can double check this by loading the Jamstik Creator in Studio One and selecting the Device Settings panel.
Next, let's make sure Studio One is prepared to receive MPE data. To do this, navigate to Studio One in the top bar and select Preferences (Options for Windows users).
Now, we’ll go to our ‘External Devices’ tab and double click Jamstik Studio. (If you don’t have this device listed, we recommend watching our Getting Started in Studio One 5 video)
Double check that the Receive From setting reads "Jamstik MIDI OUT", & that the box for Enable MPE is checked.
Next let's load Serum into Studio One and set it up to receive MPE data. Under the instrument dropdown for Serum select “enable MPE”.
Then, we’ll do the same thing inside Serum itself, using the Menu dropdown.
Lastly, change the “MPE Bend Range” from 48 ST to 4 ST.
After completing these steps, the Jamstik and Serum will now be operating in MPE mode.
If you’re not planning on using MPE, or you switch to a non-compatible plugin, we highly recommend going back into the External Devices settings for your Jamstik and turning MPE off (as well as switching to Single Channel mode via the Jamstik Creator). Leaving it engaged will result in poor to no bend tracking and will diminish your playing experience.
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