Update Firmware
The basic definition of Firmware is the programming inside the main chip that makes the jamstik run. Firmware updates can be used to add functionality, fix bugs, and add fine-tune the performance of the device.
We highly recommend that when a firmware update is available to update your jamstik device.
See: What is Firmware?
Fret Detection
The jamstik and jamstik+ uses a small amount of infrared light that receptors within the jamstik and jamstik+ read in order to know where the fingertip is and track its movements.
A common mistake among new users when powering on their jamstik device is by covering the frets of the jamstik as the device boots up, preventing proper calibration of the light receptors. This can potentially lead to finger detection issues where the jamstik device misreads your finger placements.
Another mistake is improper finger placement.
- Restart your jamstik. When powering on your jamstik device make sure you do not cover the neck of the device as boots ups. When the device is ready it will flash amber. Refer to LED Boot-up Sequence.
- When pressing down on the strings, press all the way down on the strings over the center of the fret.
- Perform a Hard Reset of your jamstik device.
- Turn on your jamstik
- Hold down the power button for 15-30 seconds until the LED turns off.
- Continue holding the power button until the LED rapidly flashes red
- Release the power button (Jamstik will power off)
Restart your mobile device or computer
If you feel your jamstik is performing poorly, there could be some quick fixes for you to try before having to deal with complex settings. Sometimes it can be an issue with your mobile device or computer.
- Restart the device you are connecting your jamstik to, restart your jamstik, then reconnect.
- Even newer devices can be prone to memory leaks due to other apps running in the background for too long, or perhaps your device just hasn't been restarted for a while. Many times this simple operation can fix delayed note issues, missed notes, and improve the performance of the jamstik.
Adjust your custom settings in the companion app
Jamstik+ (2nd Generation Bluetooth)
LATENCY: How To Optimize Your Device For Best Performance
Jamstik+ is Playing wrong notes
Jamstik( 1st Generation WIFI)
Wifi Connection Dropouts & Latency
Customizing The Jamstik's Picking Settings Via The HTML Page(1st Generation WIFI)
Disable Hammer On Mode
Hammer On mode is available and enabled by default in for the original jamstik (1st generation WIFI) in firmware 5.053 and the jamstik+ (2nd generation Bluetooth) in firmware 5.034.
See: Configuring Hammer On Mode for jamstik+(2nd Generation Bluetooth) or Configuring Hammer On Mode for jamstik (1st Generation WIFI)
Reset your jamstik device
Sometimes adjusting settings of the jamstik device can cause the device to play differently than what you wish.
- Perform a Hard Reset of your jamstik device.
- Turn on your jamstik
- Hold down the power button for 15-30 seconds until the LED turns off.
- Continue holding the power button until the LED rapidly flashes red
- Release the power button (Jamstik will power off)
Contact us
If none of the above works, please Submit a ticket or email us at jamstiksupport@zivix.net.
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