If you feel your jamstik is performing poorly, there could be some quick fixes for you to try before having to deal with complex settings. Sometimes it is an issue with your iPhone or iPad, other times it could be a problem with your jamstik settings.
1. Restart the device you are connecting your jamstik to, restart your jamstik, then reconnect.
- Even newer devices can be prone to memory leaks due to other apps running in the background for too long, or perhaps your device just hasn't been restarted for a while. Many times this simple operation can fix delayed note issues, missed notes, and improve the performance of the jamstik.
2. Perform a hard reset of your jamstik as detailed here. - If you haven't adjusted many custom settings, there shouldn't be a pronounced need to need to do so, but it's always an option if you aren't getting the response you expect from your jamstik.
3. Visit the custom settings article for more details on optimizing your jamstik's response. If you aren't getting the results you need, please open a ticket with support and we will assist you from here.
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